JCK Annual Trade Show 2020 with Exhibit Pros

JCK Annual Trade Show 2020 with Exhibit Pros – Trade Show Booth Design

A high-end jewelry trade show seems to instigate a variety of thoughts, whether as an event showcasing the latest fashionable designs by domestic and international jewelry professionals, or potentially a good setting for a heist movie. Regardless of your thoughts when you think of a jewelry trade show, there is truly something incredible to experience in some of the jewelry designs that industry-leaders are coming up with, from the materials to the aesthetic. But for anyone who has ever been to a trade show, for the jewelry industry or something else, the presented items are usually only as good as the presentation of them. 

Whether you are a budding jewelry designer looking to show off your unique creations, or an established designer in the industry, an effective presentation of your wares can make all the difference. That’s where Exhibit Pros comes in. We are a professional trade booth exhibitionist, crafting and setting up attention-grabbing displays and exhibitions for your trade booth, and ensuring that the quality of your product is reflected in the quality of your display. Keep reading to learn more about our process, and some ideas on how we can create the perfect jewelry trade booth display for your spot at the JCK Trade Show.

A Great Trade Booth Display

They say that the average trade show attendee spends less than three seconds glancing at your display as they walk by. That’s a very small amount of time to try to attract some eyes onto your booth and product. But luckily, our team at Exhibit Pros know how to craft a unique and eye-catching trade booth display, that will not only catch passing eyes, but also keep them. The key to a successful and eye-catching trade booth display is to get noticed by attendees, make sure your product and its characteristics are immediately and concisely communicated, and then keep attendees there with a combination of unique designs, and good ol’ fashion modern entertainment.

A smart collection of well-placed lighting will help, but only if it’s illuminating something that will catch the eye, like an aesthetically pleasing display case, or an imposing trade booth structure. After people are made aware of your booth, a number of screens showing off your product and your brand will naturally catch more eyes, as well as keep the eyes already there. But then you need an inviting space where attendees can be comfortable while they ingest more information, whether that’s couches, tables, or simply an intimate over the counter interaction with an expert of your brand/product. Whether it’s a decadent golden necklace or a minimalist set of high-end earrings, you want to take your attendee through a journey, and provide every piece of accommodation, aesthetic, and information they need as they move through your trade booth. And that’s what Exhibit Pros can help with.


Exhibit Pros at the JCK Trade Show 

The JCK Annual Trade Show in Las Vegas is the leading jewelry event in North America. It is open to all jewelry professionals, and provides the latest in awe-inspiring designers, both  domestic and international, and is the place to show off the most sought after trends, in a secure environment. A booth setup by Exhibit Pros can ensure that your product will get the attention and recognition it deserves. Our team of designers and builders can provide everything you need to create an eye-grabbing trade booth display, audio and video, to screens, to furniture and counters, from set up to tear down.

We consult with you to fully understand your brand and your product, and the best way that your trade booth display can get the most out of both of them. We create a 3D virtual model with computer-aided design software (CAD), so you can see and approve what the final display looks like before we have even started. We fit your display to your product, and your budget, and then utilize our comprehensive trade show experience to navigate the logistics of setting up your display. With Exhibit Pros, we allow you to actually enjoy your trade booth experience, rather than be buried in the stress it takes to set one up. That way, you can have the time to do what you do best; design only the best and most unique jewelry products in town. Give us a call today, and see how Exhibit Pros can help you.